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The TrailHead Foot and Body First Aid Kit 

Is designed for the Ultra Athlete, but made for everyone.

This complete and compact kit will help you conquer all of your outdoor endeavors no matter where they take you or the severity of the conditions.


TrailHead Foot & Body First Aid Kit $18.50

SKU: 663250233118
  • 4 - 10 gram Foot and Body Cream Packets of your choice:

    1. Trail Toes Original Foot and Body Cream
    2. Trail Toes Ultra Body Butter
    3. Trail Toes Hydropel Ointment

    1 - 20" roll of moelskin

    2 - 20 inch rolls Trail Toes Hypafix Tape

    2 - 20 inch rolls Trail Toes Blue KT Tape

    2 - Benzoin swabs

    6 - 2x2 gauze pads

    4 - alcohol pads

    2 - 18 gauge needles

    2- heavy duty safety pins

    2 - 8 gram triple antibiotic ointment packets

    2 - extra ziplock pads for trash, excess cream or benzoin swabs

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